Designing Together Symposium


Thanks to everyone who made our Designing Togther event a real success yesterday. The morning session was inspirational for all that attended, and the lab would like to extend its thanks to all the speakers- and all the participants who helped make this happen.


The presentations were an opportunity for people both inside and outside the lab to share their vision for a hospital design lab- now and out beyond 2020. Stay tuned for the talks that will be published on our website very soon, along side the illustrations that were created during the event:


The second event of the day consisted of a DHW Lab open home. The lab exhibited some of its more recent design projects and both staff and students were available to talk through their work.



Guy Collier, studying his PHD with the PCRC (Centre for Person Centred Research) facilitated a workshop with the DHW lab this week.

The session formalised a relationship between the groups which was initiated through projects such as the living well toolkit and PHD research like that of Guy Collier.

The session focused on the practical ways in which we could work together to develop effective design solutions, underpinned by robust health research. In break out groups we proposed practical models for how our disciplines might collaborate in the future. 
Thanks very much to Guy for doing a great job of facilitating the session and to the whole PCRC team for coming to join us in the lab.

STP workshops

The sustainable Transport work stream, championed by project managers Phil Schulze and Ian D'Young and run in collaboration with the DHW lab; recently held three workshops with staff and the public. The workshops were set up as forum for discussing ways of improving transport to and from the hospital campus, with a special focus on public transport options.The three workshops have been full, and has been a great opportunity for the sustainable transport project to understand the stories of our people travelling to and from the campus.

Take a look at a few photos below:

workshop3 workshop2 workshop1