After five years, the Design for Health & Wellbeing Lab project has now come to an end.

Mid Year internships

The past two weeks have been busy in the Lab studio; home to 6 design interns. Two spatial designers have worked alongside the ED staff in redesigning their staff base work stations. Through staff engagement, Tanya and Taewoo developed a set of solutions for improving the current layout and presented them back to the ED management team through sketches, renders and plans. See some of their designs and the photos of their presentation:

post equipment storage area (blur 2) copy corner desk extension copy

ED presentation4 ED presentation3 ED presentation2 ED presentation

Casey, Anna.V, Christina and Anna.H from Visual Communications at Auckland University of Technology,  worked along side Graphic designer Emme Jacob and Sally Bruce from ADHB comms. The team have developed content for the digital screens recently installed in the Level 5 public space, and is due to be made live by weeks end. Some examples of their work can be found below.


Wander Rotunda Food

A sincere thank you to all six of you for really owning these two projects - we hope that working on these real world, hospital design opportunities has been an eye opening experience for you all. The Lab has received awesome feedback from your hospital clients and we'd love to see you again very soon!