Bittersweet end to the week!

This week at the Lab has been full on and extremely busy for everyone, there has been so much happening! 

On Monday our postgraduate students did a 3 minute presentation on the projects they are working on and the progress so far. The attendees to the event included a mix of AUT and ADHB staff. There was fantastic feedback from the groups that attended and was great to see all the projects together. 

It has been a bittersweet end of the week for us at the Lab. Today we say goodbye to Emme Jacob our amazing Graphic Designer!

Emme joined last year and has been a really valuable part of the team, contributing to a lot of great changes in the Lab.  While there have been many highlights some stand outs include Auckland DHB Values branding and retail pharmacy work done with Josh.  

Emme has tackled everything with real energy and enthusiasm. The Lab would like to thank you for your hard work and dedication.  Your energy and love for what you do will be missed by the team! 

We wish you all the very best in the UK and good luck completing your masters! As much as we will miss you here at the Lab, we know this is a great opportunity and we can't wait to hear about it! We are super excited for you and your new adventure! 
