Cassie Khoo_ Work Experience

Cassie Khoo is currently a Communication Design student, completing her final year at AUT. We recently had Cassie doing her work experience hours at the lab.

Cassie was working on numerous projects alongside Reid, Eden and Byron which explored her strengths, but also pushed Cassie outside of her comfort zone.

On her first day, she helped create a banner that showed the process behind MS Co-design, which was going to be presented at a convention in USA. This was a fun project which both Byron and Cassie were happy with how it came together along with the project lead.

The Performance Improvement Team at the ADHB had Cassie working on some environmental graphics for their new offices. “This particular project put me a bit outside what I'm used to doing. Drawing-related design isn't usually my strong point, and I've never worked with design in space. So I really valued the opportunity to learn and step outside my comfort zone with this.” 


While being at the lab Cassie had the opportunity to experience participating in a workshop run by Eden. This was not something Cassie had come across before. “I think it was a really great way for the whole studio to be involved and help to push a project forward. I felt that was a pretty valuable experience in the sense that I got to see other ways of going through the design process and how it can utilise the studio environment.”

Here are Cassie’s thoughts on the lab: 

“I loved how people can easily walk over to get the help or opinions of someone else, I think it offers a great collaborative and creative environment to work in. The music was great at supporting that environment, making it not overly serious and business-like!

Thank you once again for hosting me at the DHW Lab. I really enjoyed it. It was an overall valuable experience. I hope to work in a studio like the DHW Lab when I graduate.”