Public Spaces

Pharmacy redesign: Low scale solution

before after

Recently, we posted an article about engaging pharmacy staff in a co-design exercise, in order to improve their current service offering.

As a low scale solution and a method for gathering further insight, a few of the Lab team reorganised and decluttered the current layout and product offering in the pharmacy. This created significantly more  transparency around the prescription counter, and a much clearer flow in and out of the space. The changes have made it much easier to identify the prescription desk from outside the shop. Staff are excited by the changes and the next stage for the lab will be to gauge user response.

The first round of 115 feedback forms have been collected based on peoples' experience of the original layout, and the next data sampling will be based on the improvements. This will provide a solid foundation from which to develop more permanent and compressive improvements to the pharmacy.


Discovery Week: Public Spaces

The Auckland DHB has recently been working on a research project, to understand peoples' experience of the public spaces at the Grafton campus. The Lab has been involved in this project by developing the researching methods used to interview people, and in packaging up/documenting the project. haveyoursay

'We want to discover what our staff, patients, families and visitor’s current experience are of our public spaces within Auckland City Hospital.  We have defined our public spaces to include the main entrances on levels 1, 4 and 5 and the retail space and eating areas on level 5.

We can only get this right if the people who use these places help us design a better place together.

How to get involved

To get this underway we are kicking-off with a Discovery Week 7- 13June.  During that week there will be lots of opportunities for staff, our patients their families and other visitors to tell us: how you currently use the spaces; what you think about the shops and services on offer; how the entrances and exits work, and about the places to eat.

Have your say by completing our online survey  or go along to the interactive workshop for staff on Thursday 12 June 10am to midday.  To book a place with your name, position and contact number.'

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Public Spaces: Research tools

Recently, the DHW lab has been working with the 'Public Spaces at Grafton' project team to develop tools for researching users and how the space is being used. A number of Interactive interview tools have been put together to aid the interviewers, and produce meaningful, clear feedback to shape the redesign of public spaces at the hospital. The tools are being tested and prototyped to make sure they work effectively.